$ 48.00 CAD

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Grimbold and Helmings Command are units in the "Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game" by Games Workshop, representing the leaders of the Rohirrim forces during the battles of the War of the Ring.

Grimbold is a captain of Rohan who plays a significant role in the defense of Rohan during the War of the Ring. He is known for his bravery and skill in battle, leading his warriors into the fray with unwavering determination. In the game, Grimbold is depicted as a heroic leader, inspiring his troops to fight with valor and steadfastness even in the face of overwhelming odds.

The Helmingas are a group of warriors from the region of Helm's Deep in Rohan, known for their fierce loyalty to their lord and their willingness to defend their homeland at all costs. The Helmingas Command represents the leaders of these warriors, who rally their troops and lead them into battle with courage and determination. In the game, the Helmingas Command unit provides bonuses to nearby

Helmingas warriors, boosting their morale and combat effectiveness.
Players can include Grimbold and Helmings Command in their Rohan armies to represent the heroic leaders and warriors of Rohan, using them to inspire their troops and lead them to victory against the forces of darkness. With their courage and determination, Grimbold and Helmings Command are invaluable assets in the defense of Rohan and the Free Peoples of Middle-earth.

The set contains three metal miniatures – Grimbold, one warrior carrying a Banner and one warrior equipped with a War Horn – each supplied with a Citadel 25mm Round Base. Their rules can be found in Armies of The Lord of The Rings™.

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